
Applied research of direct and immediate relevance to fruit production problems is one of the three central tasks at the ESTEBURG. At our experimental farms in Jork-Moorende (pip and stone fruits) and Vechta-Langförden (soft fruits) we carry out hundreds of experiments each year on apples and pears (pip fruit), sweet cherries, sour cherries, plums and prunes (stone fruit), and strawberries, raspberries, redcurrants, blackcurrants, gooseberries, blueberries and blackberries (soft fruits).

In extensive trials we examine the performance of different fruit varieties under Northern German conditions of climate and soil, making management recommendations to the grower. The program also includes trials of new cultivation techniques, planting systems, pest and disease control strategies, harvest systems and fruit storage. We address problems of integrated as well as organic fruit production. The overall goal of our extensive experimental work is the generation of well-founded scientific results and conclusions leading to improvements for the regional fruit production.